


N4967A Serial BERT System 44 Gb/s

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The N4967A is an affordable and compact Serial BERT solution designed for device characterization and general lab use. The N4967A consists of these main components:

  • N4974A PRBS Generator 44 Gb/s
  • N4968A Clock and Data Demultiplexer 44 Gb/s
  • N4965A Multi-Channel BERT 12.5 Gb/s
  • N4980A Multi-Instrument BERT software


  • Characterization of optical transceivers operating up to 44 Gb/s, such as:
  • OTU OC-768/STM-256
  • 100 Gigabit Ethernet
  • InfiniBand EDR
  • 32G Fibre Channel (32GFC)
  • 40 Gb/s Backplanes, active optical cables
  • CFP


  • Operates over 22 to 44 Gb/s
  • Internal oscillator for 40 Gb/s operation
  • True PRBS pattern generation at full data rate
  • Supports differential or single ended inputs and outputs
  • Fully supported in N4980A software
  • Remote control through USB or GPIB 


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